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RMRS Disaster News
There is no current news available at this time.Disaster Information Feeds
- New Pathway to Practice (P2P) Resource Center Available (5/12/23)
- Burnout Prevention Training for Public Health Supervisors and Managers (5/4/23)
- Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT) Registration Open (4/17/23)
- Environmental Public Health and the 10 Essential Services (4/3/23)
- April 3-9 is National Public Health Week 2023 (3/31/23)
- March is National Kidney Month! (3/17/23)
- Deadline Extended: March 31st is the Last Day to be Nominated as a Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) Delegate (3/2/23)
- New Health Education Track in the ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program (2/28/23)
- CDC's Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) host site application period is open February 1-28 (2/22/23)
- Social Determinants of Cancer Risk Among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations (2/22/23)
- Deadline Extended for TAC Recruitment (2/22/23)
- DELPH Applications Due February 28, 2023 (2/22/23)
- Learn More About the Connection Between Literacy and Health Literacy (2/20/23)
- Do you work for a state, tribal, local, or territorial public health department? (2/17/23)
- Interested in becoming a host site for the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP)? (2/16/23)
- CDC's Data Modernization Initiative Creates A World Where Data Moves Faster Than Disease (2/8/23)
- National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Feb 7) is a Day to Address the Impact of HIV on Black Communities (2/7/23)
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) Will Hold Tribal Consultation from 4:00 to 5:00 pm EST, February 9, 2023 (2/3/23)
- The 25th Biannual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Advisory Committee meeting will be held in Atlanta, GA, on February 8-9, 2023 (2/2/23)
- The Public Health Associate Program?(PHAP) CDC?Helps Provide Essential Public Health Services to your State,?Community, Rural?Health,?or Nonprofit Organization (2/1/23)
- Partner with CDC in Developing the Nation's Next Generation of Public Health Professionals! (1/27/23)
- Health Literacy Helps People Understand General Health Information (1/24/23)
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Law Program and ChangeLab Solutions are excited to announce the new Public Health Law Fellowship (1/12/23)
- New Resources for Public Health Financing (1/12/23)
- Competences for Public Health Professionals (1/12/23)
- Application Period for CDC's Public Health Associate Program Begins January 18 (1/12/23)
- Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting and Tribal Consultation Dates (1/12/23)
- REMINDER: Public Health AmeriCorps Applications Are Due Wednesday, January 4, 2023 (12/22/22)
- Competencies Are Essential to Developing a Strong Public Health Workforce (12/19/22)
- The Public Health Associate Program is looking for the next generation of public health professionals! (12/12/22)
- The Public Health Workforce Calculator (12/12/22)
- Public Health AmeriCorps: Deadline to Apply is January 4! (12/12/22)
- The Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool (SPACECAT) helps local, state, and territorial health agencies better understand their capacity to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), suicide, and (12/12/22)
- Are You a State, Tribal, Local, or Territorial Public Health Professional? (12/5/22)
- Public Health Thank You Day (11/22/22)
- The National Network of Public Health Institutes launched the Indigenous Public Health Leadership Program with CSTLTS Funding (11/14/22)
- Attention Public Health Professionals: Learn New Skills in Public Health Through CDC's Many Training and Professional Development Resources (11/11/22)
- November is National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month (11/9/22)
- Now Available: MicrobeTrace- a data integration and visualization tool from CDC's Division of HIV Prevention (11/8/22)
- ASTHO and the de Beaumont Foundation released findings from the 2021 Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (11/7/22)
- Congratulate the Latest Tribal Nation to Receive Accreditation (11/7/22)
- 2021 Prevalence and Trends Data Available (11/7/22)
- PHAP Technical Assistance Conference Call for Prospective Host Sites (11/7/22)
- Training Emerging American Indian and Alaska Native Public Health Leaders (11/7/22)
- The National Center for Health Statistics' Health, United States Website Has Been Redesigned (10/27/22)
- Open Registration Now Available: AIANNH Career Expo (10/25/22)
- Register for the Public Health Workforce Calculator Webinar on October 27, 2022, at 2pm EDT (10/24/22)
- The Federal Grants Management Training Series helps public health staff, particularly those working with grants, understand roles and responsibilities in federal grant management and how to be good stewards of their federal awards (10/7/22)
- Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month through October 15 (10/7/22)
- New Program: Public Health LEADS (10/7/22)
- American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Career Expo (10/7/22)
- October is Health Literacy Month (10/7/22)
- Standing Up a Test to Treat Model During a Surge of COVID-19 Cases (10/4/22)
- Hispanic Heritage Month (9/22/22)
- New Evaluation Study: Preventive Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant (9/19/22)
- Public Health AmeriCorps: The Next Generation of Leaders (9/16/22)
- New Paper: Increasing A/I and A/N Student Data Visibility (9/15/22)
- Applications Open: National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health (NLAPH) (9/14/22)
- New Monthly Digest from CDC's CSTLTS (9/13/22)
- Public health professionals: Do you know the stages of the federal grant lifecycle? (9/12/22)
- New CDC Training: Homelessness and Public Health (9/8/22)
- Congratulations to Beverly Anaele on receiving the 2022 Louis Salinas Outstanding Public Health Associate Award! (9/6/22)
- New Research from NACCHO (8/24/22)
- CDC Prevention Research Center's Vaccine Confidence Network (8/19/22)
- Free Infectious Disease Transmission Models for Decision Makers Course (8/17/22)
- Call for Applications: 2022 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge! (8/16/22)
- Local health departments: Time is running out to complete the NACCHO Profile Study Survey! (8/11/22)
- The Public Health Law Practitioners Convening is just 2 weeks away (8/5/22)
- Check out the July issue of Public Health Law News, available now! (7/28/22)
- Did You Know? CDC's new alcohol screening tool allows adults to anonymously check their drinking and create a personalized change plan (7/21/22)
- The State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) interactive visualization dashboard offers information about circumstances surrounding overdose deaths (7/14/22)
- Now Available: The State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) interactive data dashboard (7/12/22)
- The countdown is on! The inaugural Public Health Law Practitioners Convening is taking place from August 17-19 in Chicago (7/11/22)
- SAVE THE DATE! The 24th Biannual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting is August 3-4, 2022 (7/7/22)
- Now Available: CDC's new Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) dashboard (7/5/22)
- National #HIVTestingDay is June 27 & this year's theme is "HIV Testing is Self-care" (6/27/22)
- Don't miss the Public Health Law Practitioners Convening! This event will take place in Chicago from August 17-19, 2022. (6/22/22)
- SAVE THE DATE: The inaugural Public Health Law Practitioners Convening will be held from August 17-19, 2022, in Chicago (6/13/22)
- LAST DAY TO REGISTER! Today is the deadline to register for the Public Health Improvement Training 2022 (6/1/22)
- Today is the deadline to apply for a fall 2022 public health law internship or externship! (5/31/22)
- The CSTLTS's Office of Island Affairs partners with the Pacific Island Health Officers' Association to offer the Pacific Public Health Fellowship Program (PPHFP) (5/26/22)
- Expanding Arthritis Interventions (5/16/22)
- Have you registered for the upcoming Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT) happening June 6-8? (5/5/22)
- May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (5/4/22)
- CDC training for HCPs on the newly approved Dengue vaccine (4/22/22)
- CSTLTS was created specifically to support health departments-the nation's front line of public health defense. (4/14/22)
- #BoostYourCommunity this April during National Minority Health Month! (4/7/22)
- Public Health Professionals (3/25/22)
- National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (3/24/22)
- Secure your spot: Join us at Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT) 2022! (3/17/22)
- March 13-19 is National #PatientSafetyAwarenessWeek (3/16/22)
- CDC's Tips From Former Smokers Celebrates 10th Anniversary of the Campaign (3/7/22)
- New Arthritis MMWR/Medscape CE Units (3/1/22)
- CSTLTS is CDC's primary connection to health officials and leaders of state, tribal, local, and territorial public health agencies, as well as other government leaders who work with health departments. (2/16/22)
- February marks the 1-year anniversary of CDC's CSTLTS joining LinkedIn! (2/15/22)
- Interested in becoming a host site for the CDC's Public Health Associate Program (PHAP)? (2/14/22)
- The 10 Essential Public Health Services (1/19/22)
- New to Program Evaluation, or Need a Refresher? (12/23/21)
- Public Health Associate Program (12/17/21)
- World AIDS Day 2021 (12/16/21)
FEMA Region 6 News
- Get FEMA Disaster Assistance; Only Ten Days Left to Apply (1/28/25)
- Don't Delay! Only Three Days Left to Apply for FEMA Assistance (1/28/25)
- Today is the Last Day to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance (1/28/25)
- Roswell Disaster Recovery Center to Close, but FEMA is Still Here (1/28/25)
- Protect Your Property: Flood Insurance is Vital in New Mexico (1/28/25)
- Beware of Contractor Fraud: Go Local, Do Your Research (1/28/25)
- Federal Disaster Assistance Tops $24.6 Million for Chaves Residents (1/28/25)
- Beware of Contractor Fraud: Go Local, Do Your Research (1/23/25)
- NM Fires, Flood Recovery Over $34 Million in Federal Assistance (1/23/25)
- Claims Office Hosting a Mobile Connect Event to Help People Start Claims Before March 14 Extended Deadline (1/22/25)
- Revised Preliminary Flood Maps for Woodruff County, Arkansas, Ready for Public View (1/16/25)
- FEMA, Cherokee Nation Sign Historic Agreement that Will Help Disaster Survivors (1/16/25)
- New Mexicans Urged to Visit FEMA Community Outreach (12/19/24)
- Just Two Weeks Left to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance (12/19/24)
- Roswell Disaster Recovery Center & Helpline - Holidays Hours (12/19/24)
- Appealing FEMA's Decision on Your Application (12/6/24)
- Read Your FEMA Decision Letter Very Carefully (12/4/24)
- FEMA Disaster Assistance Tops $12 Million in First 30 Days (11/29/24)
- With 30 Days Left, Claimants Urged to Submit Notice of Loss by December 20 (11/27/24)
- With 30 Days Left, Claimants Urged to Submit Notice of Loss by December 20 (11/27/24)
- Public Assistance Aiding Community Recovery after Francine (11/26/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Thanksgiving Holiday Hours (11/25/24)
- Floods Displaced You from Your Home? FEMA May Help with Rent (11/22/24)
- Serious Needs Assistance and Displacement Assistance are Available to Storm and Flooding Survivors in Chaves County (11/21/24)
- File for Flood Insurance Through the Claims Office (11/19/24)
- Final Disaster Recovery Center to Close in Terrebonne Parish (11/18/24)
- FEMA Registration Deadline is Nov. 18 for Hurricane Francine Survivors (11/18/24)
- Be Aware of Post-Disaster Fraud and Scams (11/18/24)
- Don't Wait! Monday is the Deadline to Apply for FEMA Individual Assistance Program (11/17/24)
- Public Invited to Appeal or Comment on Flood Maps in Love County, Oklahoma (11/15/24)
- Claims Office Releases Appeals Guide, Outlining Steps and Rights for Claimants Seeking Fair Compensation (11/15/24)
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available for Chaves County Residents (11/15/24)
- Only Three (3) Days Remain to Apply with FEMA (11/13/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center to Open in Roswell Mall (11/13/24)
- FEMA Registration Deadline is Five (5) Days Away (11/11/24)
- Terrebonne Disaster Recovery Center to Close on Veteran's Day (11/9/24)
- Help Remains After Disaster Recovery Center Closes in St. Mary Parish (11/7/24)
- FEMA Calls May Come from Unfamiliar Phone Numbers (11/7/24)
- FEMA in the Field: Assisting Flood Survivors Door-to-Door (11/6/24)
- Avoid and Report Disaster Fraud (11/5/24)
- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Disaster Declaration for New Mexico (11/2/24)
- FEMA Disaster Assistance Available for New Mexicans Impacted by the Oct. 19-20 Chaves County Flood (11/2/24)
- FEMA Registration Deadline is Approaching Quickly for Hurricane Francine Survivors (10/31/24)
- Revised Preliminary Flood Maps for Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, Ready for Public View (10/31/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center to Close in Lafourche Parish (10/31/24)
- FEMA Reminds Louisiana Residents to Maintain Flood Insurance Coverage (10/30/24)
- Have Questions? Answers May Be Available at FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (10/30/24)
- Disaster Recovery Centers to Close in Jefferson, St. John the Baptist Parishes (10/25/24)
- Disaster Recovery Centers to Close in Ascension, Assumption Parishes (10/24/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center to Close in St. James Parish (10/23/24)
- FEMA is Hiring in Houston and Austin to Help Storm Survivors (10/22/24)
- Workshop to Offer Guidance on How to Open Business Claims for the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire (10/22/24)
- Saturday is the Last Day to Apply for FEMA Assistance (10/21/24)
- FEMA is Still Here for New Mexicans even as Ruidoso DRC Permanently Closes Today (10/19/24)
- Only One Week Left to Apply for FEMA and SBA Assistance (10/11/24)
- Disaster Recovery Centers to Relocate in Ascension and St. John the Baptist Parishes (10/10/24)
- Get Repair, Rebuilding, Insurance Advice at Walgreens in Ruidoso (10/9/24)
- Donating, Volunteering amid the New Mexico Fires and Floods (10/9/24)
- FEMA is Still Here for Hurricane Francine Survivors (10/8/24)
- Resources for Repairing, Retrofitting and Rebuilding After Hurricane Francine (10/5/24)
- Just Two Weeks Left to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance (10/4/24)
- Preliminary Flood Maps for Camp County, Texas, Ready for Public View (10/4/24)
- FEMA's Continued Commitment to Hurricane Francine Survivors Includes New Disaster Recovery Center in Jefferson Parish (10/4/24)
- FEMA Assistance Available to Renters after Hurricane Francine (10/3/24)
- Get Repair, Rebuilding, Flood Insurance Advice Next Week at Village of Ruidoso Community Center (10/2/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in Assumption Parish (10/2/24)
- FEMA Clean and Sanitize Assistance Available in Louisiana After Hurricane Francine (10/1/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in St. James Parish (10/1/24)
- Assistance Available for Hurricane Francine Survivors in Louisiana (9/30/24)
- Preliminary Flood Maps for Latimer County, Oklahoma, Ready for Public View (9/30/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in St. John the Baptist Parish (9/30/24)
- Congress Extends Deadline to Dec. 20 for Starting a Claim on Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Impacts (9/27/24)
- Revised Preliminary Flood Maps for Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Ready for Public View (9/27/24)
- Louisiana Residents Should File Insurance Claims Now Following Francine (9/27/24)
- Home Repairs and Improvements for New Mexicans with Disabilities (9/27/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in St. Charles Parish (9/27/24)
- Arbitration Available for Disputed Compensation Offers (9/27/24)
- FEMA, the Federal Interagency, Private and Nonprofit Partners Continue to Support Hurricane Helene Response Efforts (9/27/24)
- Louisiana Survivors Can Apply for an SBA Loan (9/26/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in Ascension Parish (9/26/24)
- Help Navigators Advance Your Claim (9/25/24)
- Jefferson Parish Eligible for FEMA Assistance (9/24/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in Lafourche Parish (9/24/24)
- FEMA's New Mexico Joint Recovery Office is Hiring: Attend Sept. 24 and 25 Hiring Fairs in Santa Fe (9/23/24)
- Preliminary Flood Maps for Pushmataha County, Oklahoma, Ready for Public View (9/13/24)
- Free Legal Help Available (9/12/24)
- Get Repair, Rebuilding, Insurance Advice at Albertson's Market (9/12/24)
- FEMA Administrator Surveys Damage in Louisiana, Federal Partners and Voluntary Agencies Are Supporting Response Efforts (9/12/24)
- One Month Remains for Hurricane Beryl Survivors to Apply for FEMA Assistance in Texas (9/11/24)
- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Emergency Declaration for Louisiana (9/11/24)
- FEMA Urges People Along the Gulf Coast to Remain Safe, Biden-Harris Administration Makes Emergency Federal Assistance Available to Louisiana (9/11/24)
- Stay in Contact with FEMA After You Apply for Assistance (9/10/24)
- As Tropical Storm Francine Intensifies, FEMA Mobilizes to Support to Gulf Coast and Urges Immediate Preparedness (9/10/24)
- Those Waiting for an NRCS Conservation Restoration Plan Should File a Notice of Loss with Claims Office Before the Nov 14 Deadline (9/9/24)
- As Tropical Storm Francine Approaches the Gulf Coast, FEMA Urges Residents in its Path to Prepare Now (9/9/24)
- Texas Hurricane Beryl Survivors Can Apply for an SBA Loan (9/5/24)
- Disaster Recovery Center Opens in Harris County August 31 (8/30/24)
- FEMA Team is Back at Village Ace Hardware in Ruidoso (8/30/24)
- Two Disaster Recovery Centers Open in Harris County August 30 (8/29/24)
- Preliminary Flood Maps for Trinity County, Texas, Ready for Public View (8/28/24)
NASA Disaster
- Winter Arrives in the Sierra Nevada (12/3/18)
- Ash Over the Gulf of Alaska (11/28/18)
- Snow Across the Midwest (11/28/18)
- Camp Fire Adds Another Scar to 2018 Fire Season (11/27/18)
- Floods Swamp Iraq (11/27/18)
- Unusual Heat Fuels Fires in Queensland (11/27/18)
- Woolsey Fire Burn Scar (11/19/18)
- Pine Island Glacier Quickly Drops Another Iceberg (11/8/18)
- Drought Persists in the Southwest (11/8/18)
- Bushfire Burns More than 2 Million Acres (11/6/18)
- Fires Rage along the Garden Route (11/5/18)
- Which Way Will the Smoke Go? (11/2/18)
- Looking Into the Eye of Yutu (11/2/18)
- Rainy October Soaks Texas (11/2/18)
- Yutu Hits the Philippines (10/30/18)
- Increased Fire Activity in New Guinea (10/29/18)
- Super Typhoon Yutu (10/24/18)
- A Neat Slice of Ice in Antarctica (10/23/18)
- Hurricane Willa Closes in on Mexico (10/23/18)
- Dust Streams from Southwestern Africa (10/22/18)
- Hurricane Willa (10/22/18)
- Sediment Stirred Up by Michael (10/15/18)
- Cyclones Luban and Titli (10/13/18)
- Lights Out in Michael's Wake (10/12/18)
- Florida Slammed by Hurricane Michael (10/11/18)
- Hurricane Michael Reaches North Carolina (10/11/18)
- Hurricane Michael Heads for Florida (10/10/18)
- Devastation in Palu After Earthquake, Tsunami (10/3/18)
- Typhoon Trami Takes Aim at Japan (9/29/18)
- Recovering from Hurricane Maria (9/26/18)
- Activity at Krakatau (9/25/18)
- Super Typhoon Trami (9/25/18)
- A Broad View of Flooding in the Carolinas (9/22/18)
- Fires ablaze in northeastern Utah (9/21/18)
- Mangkhut Swamps Luzon (9/18/18)
- Florence Inundates the Carolinas (9/18/18)
- Typhoon Mangkhut Reaches Luzon (9/16/18)
- The Complex Evolution of Florence's Winds (9/14/18)
- Florence Crossing Warm Waters on the Way to the Carolinas (9/13/18)
- Mangkhut Bearing Down on The Philippines (9/13/18)
- A View Inside Hurricane Florence (9/13/18)
- Watery Heatwave Cooks the Gulf of Maine (9/12/18)
- Typhoon Mangkhut (9/12/18)
- Awesome, Frightening Views of Hurricane Florence (9/12/18)
- Trouble Brewing in the Atlantic (9/10/18)
- Yet Another Fire in Northern California (9/7/18)
- Japan's Waters Run Brown after Typhoon Jebi (9/5/18)
- Hurricane Lane Approaches Hawaii (8/22/18)
- A Flood for the Century in India (8/21/18)
- Typhoon Soulik (8/20/18)
- A Winter Blanket for Lesotho (8/17/18)
- Smoky Skies in North America (8/16/18)
- Carr Fire and Mendocino Complex (8/4/18)
- Sandy Shamal Season (8/1/18)
- Wildfires Blanket Western States With Smoke (7/31/18)
- The Perry Fire by Day and Night (7/30/18)
- There Goes the Ice (7/30/18)
- Heatwave Turns Europe Brown (7/27/18)
- Typhoon Jongdari (7/27/18)
- Rain Swamps the Mid-Atlantic (7/25/18)
- Iceberg Towers over Innaarsuit (7/24/18)
- Subtropical Cyclone Alberto (5/31/18)
- Powerful Dust Storms in Western Asia (5/30/18)
- Sweltering, Smoky Fires in Siberia (5/17/18)
- Kilauea Continues to Erupt (5/15/18)
- Late Spring Snow in the Upper Midwest (4/20/18)
- NASA Mapping Hurricane Damage to Everglades (4/19/18)
- A Blanket of Springtime Snow (3/23/18)
- Wildfire on Santa María (3/23/18)
- Cyclone Marcus (3/21/18)
- Shinmoedake Erupts (3/6/18)
- Dust Storm Over the Mediterranean Sea (2/8/18)
- Winter Snowscapes in Russia (2/6/18)
- Fuego Erupts (2/2/18)
- A Fire Cloud in Argentina (1/30/18)
- Snow and Clouds around the Alps (1/29/18)
- A Dust Bath for Cape Verde (1/26/18)
- Bushfire in Pilliga Forest (1/25/18)
- Ice Jams on the Connecticut River (1/23/18)
- It's Cold-And Hot-in North America (1/3/18)
- A Mesovortex Over Lake Michigan (1/2/18)
- New Year's Night (1/2/18)
- California's December Inferno (12/20/17)
- Pine Island Iceberg Under the Midnight Sun (12/20/17)
- A Band of Snow in the Southeast (12/12/17)
- California Wildfire Emissions (12/12/17)
- Fires Continue to Rage in Southern California (12/11/17)
- Why the SoCal Fires are So Fierce (12/7/17)
- Wildfire Lights Up Ventura (12/5/17)
- Cyclone Ockhi (12/4/17)
- Dust in the Dasht-e Kavir (12/1/17)
- Ash at Agung (11/29/17)
- Stirring Up Adriatic Waters (11/29/17)
- Growing Deltas in Atchafalaya Bay (Updated for 2017) (11/22/17)
- Dust Coats Copper River Valley (11/17/17)
- Flash Floods in Greece (11/16/17)
- World of Change: Coastline Change (updated for 2017) (11/16/17)
- Smoke Over West Texas (3/8/17)
- Tropical Cyclone Enawo (3/6/17)
- Astronauts Snap a Photo of Oroville Dam (3/3/17)
Please use the following links to view the events in your area.
Past Year's Events
Region 3 - SW
- 02/28/24 to 02/29/24 - Reg 3 Preparedness and Response Workshop
- 02/29/24 - Reg 3 Preparedness and Response Workshop
- 04/04/24 - Region 3 Healthcare Coalition RMPG Meeting
- 04/12/24 - RMRS Awareness Training
- 04/30/24 - Redundant Communications Drill
- 05/29/24 - RMRS Awareness Training
- 06/06/24 - Region 3 Healthcare Coalition RMPG Meeting
- 06/06/24 - Administrative Leadership Group (ALG)
- 07/12/24 - RMRS Awareness Training
- 08/01/24 - Region 3 Healthcare Coalition RMPG Meeting
- 10/03/24 - Region 3 Healthcare Coalition RMPG Meeting
- 10/11/24 - RMRS Awareness Training
- 10/29/24 - Redundant Communications Drill
- 11/14/24 to 01/01/30 - Medical Response Surge Exercise (MRSE)
- 12/12/24 - Region 3 Healthcare Coalition RMPG Meeting
- 12/12/24 - Administrative Leadership Group (ALG)
Other Events
- 03/04/24 to 03/08/24 - Oklahoma Emergency Management Association Conference
- 03/05/24 to 03/08/24 - Oklahoma Emergency Management Association Conference
- 03/06/24 to 03/08/24 - Oklahoma Emergency Management Association Conference
- 03/07/24 to 03/08/24 - Oklahoma Emergency Management Association Conference
- 03/08/24 - Oklahoma Emergency Management Association Conference